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Assessment: (Based on University Of Dundee: 21 marks)
Q1.Please answer these statements either True (T) or False (F):(6 marks)
A.    The Y-chromosome is the only to guide the formation of such a complicated organ as the testicles (  )
B.    The Sertoli in the fetal testes secrete the testosterone hormone (  )
C.    During the 7th week, the urorectal septum divides the cloacal membrane into a urogenital membrane (ventrally) and an anal membrane (dorsally) (  )
D.    The supporting cells are located within the seminiferous tubules. They are responsible for creation of a hemato-testicular barrier and the nourishment of the spermatozoa (  )
E.    The phallic part of the definitive urogenital sinus forms the prostatic and membranous parts of the urethra (  )F.     physician could tell the the pregnant lady whether she is going to have boy or girl at middle of frist trimester by ultrasound (  ).

Q2.Please select the most correct answer. (9 marks)

Q2.1.The paramesonephric duct (Müller) arises in all structures except:
B.Fallopian tube
D.Vestibular gland

Q2.2.From the SUG endoderm arises in all structures except:
B.Vaginal vestibule
C.Fallopian tube
D.para-urethral glands
Q2.3.The only structure formed by two embryological origins (SUG endoderm and paramesonephric duct (Müller) is
B.Vaginal vestibule
C.Fallopian tube
D.para-urethral glands.

Q3.Please suitable match between two raws in regarding the analogue structure in male and female: (6 marks)
A. Testis(1) Prostate (2)Penis (3) Scrotum (4)    
B. Ovary( )Paraurethral gland( )Labia minora( )Clitoris( ).

Please send your answer to this email to get the right answers.([email protected])