In female:Differentiation of the accessory sex glands:
The accessory glands arise from the endoderm of the SUG:

*The greater vestibular glands (Bartholini) are paired glands that form in the course of the 12th week from the endoderm of the SUG. The outflow canals empty sideways in the vaginal vestibule. They correspond to the bulbourethral gland (Cowper) in males.

**The lesser vestibular glands (Skene) or paraurethral glands also form from epithelial buds (endoderm) of the SUG and grow into the neighboring mesenchyma. They are distributed over the whole vaginal vestibule and - in males - correspond to the prostate.

Differentiation of the urogenital sinus

In females the cranial portion of the pelvic part of the definitive SUG remain narrow and forms the female urethra, which is very short. With the progressing development the caudal portion of the pelvic part shrinks and becomes included in the phallic part (vaginal vestibule). Therein discharge the urethra and the vagina. The phallic part of the definitive SUG enlarges to become the vaginal vestibule that is caudally closed off externally by the urogenital membrane